
New Yorkers Celebrate Overturning the Soda Ban on ‘Conan’
New Yorkers Celebrate Overturning the Soda Ban on ‘Conan’
New Yorkers Celebrate Overturning the Soda Ban on ‘Conan’
If you're a sugar lover -- or a news viewer -- you're aware the recent soda ban that was supposed to go down in New York didn't happen. Naturally, to celebrate, the city went crazy in elation, rocking out with their super-sized Coca-Colas and drenching each other in the sugary goodnes that is soda. Or maybe that was just on 'CONAN'...
Weight Loss Pepsi
Weight Loss Pepsi
Weight Loss Pepsi
First there was soda, carbonated sugar water that was sure to expand your waistline. Then there was "diet" soda, which didn't add any calories to the equation but was sweetened with chemicals that may not be so great for you. Now, in Japan, there is something called Pepsi Special. This drink is so chock-full of chemicals -- mainly indigestible dextrin -- that there are claims it can actu
Coca-Cola Going All 007 With New James Bond ‘Skyfall’ Designs
Coca-Cola Going All 007 With New James Bond ‘Skyfall’ Designs
Coca-Cola Going All 007 With New James Bond ‘Skyfall’ Designs
Sony Pictures has slowly been eeking out teasers for James Bond's upcoming adventure in 'Skyfall,' and whether you can bring yourself to admit it, we've all been a little 007 obsessed lately. First there were all those trailers and movie posters storming the web, then came the 2012 Olympic Opening Ceremony (leave it to the Queen to out Bond James Bond) and now the franchise is taking over Coca-Col
Coke and Pepsi’s Newest Ingredient Is Booze
Coke and Pepsi’s Newest Ingredient Is Booze
Coke and Pepsi’s Newest Ingredient Is Booze
When you drink your favorite sodas, you're getting more than just a kick of caffeine. France's National Institute of Consumption tested 19 popular carbonated soft drinks and found that 10 -- including Coke and Pepsi -- contained a very small amount of alcohol.
New York City to Ban Large Soft Drinks – Is Your City Next?
New York City to Ban Large Soft Drinks – Is Your City Next?
New York City to Ban Large Soft Drinks – Is Your City Next?
By this time next year, residents of New York City won't be able to buy an absurdly large and absurdly overpriced cup of soda to go alongside their absurdly large and absurdly overpriced vat of popcorn when they are enjoying a movie. That's because New York mayor Mike Bloomberg has proposed a ban -- which is widely expected to be ratified by the city's board of health -- that would outlaw the sale

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