Comic-Con 2012 Cosplay: Best Photos of Geeks Gone Wild!
Comic-Con 2012 is the social event of the season... for geeks. It's equivalent to the Oscars for actors, New York Fashion Week for style junkies and the MTV Movie Awards for B- to C-List celebrities. That being said, what you wear to Comic-Con is just as important as Comic-Con itself.
You don't want to be on the worst dressed list -- then again, the Comic-Con worst dressed list isn't like the ones for red carpet events. In order to standout and get the thumbs up from the geek world, you're garb needs to be an authentic-looking representation of your inner nerd, whether that means dressing up in head-to-toe body paint or throwing on a legit Storm Trooper suit.
If you need a few tips on how to look your best at Comic-Con, take a few helpful hints from the best-cosplayers at this year's convention.
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