Which Cast Member Played Brutus the Talking Monkey in Jonah Hill’s ‘SNL’ Sketch?
One of the weirdest moments on 'Saturday Night Live' this weekend occurred when Jonah Hill played opposite a talking monkey named Brutus. The primate's costume was so well done, that most viewers were completely dumbfounded as to which 'SNL' cast member was under all that hair.
Nobody really seemed to care much about all the sex jokes (which, by the way, are NSFW), and instead the Twittersphere was all in a twirl speculating as to who was wearing the elaborate getup.
Was it Fred Armisen? Andy Samberg? A non-cast member, like one of the writers perhaps?
A look through the 'Saturday Night Live' archives will reveal that Brutus was played by... Fred Armisen.
Good one, NBC. You guys had us really racking our brains. We haven't seen a makeup job that good since Billy Crystal's blackface sketch for the 2012 Oscars (which, granted, wasn't that long ago).
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