We're not quite sure how this happens. This opening pitch thrown by 'Call Me Maybe' singer Carly Rae Jepsen at the Tampa Rays game on Sunday is a colossal failure.
We don't know how this makes us feel. Basically, we're just glad we're not angry. This lucky genius has taken a part of our childhood and, rather than ruining it, changed it in a way that doesn't fill us with boiling rage, which is usually what happens when we hear anything 'Call Me Maybe' related these days.
Just when you thought 'Call Me Maybe' was gone forever, it comes back again, like a terrible, terrible ex you hate, but you only live four blocks apart so what are you going to do? This time a group of guys from Denmark are playing it on bottles...
Just when it looked like the 'Call Me Maybe' phenomenon may finally have died down, there's been a resurgence. This time, the song has been combined with another new internet trend -- running all of the lyrics through multiple languages in Google Translate, and then converting them back into English.
This is YouTube's look back at itself over the past year, starring its biggest stars and referencing itself. This just might be the last time we post a 'Gangnam Style' OR 'Call Me Maybe' spoof. Maybe.
If you love dance parties, but just don't have it in you to physically move for more than 10 minutes without experiencing chest pain, here you go! This pop "danthology" squeezes 55 songs that got stuck in your head at the grocery store this year into eight minutes.
That's right -- we're still posting 'Call Me Maybe' videos. Deal with it! This one's got soldiers serving in Afghanistan, so it's sort of our civic responsibility to share it with the world.
Thank heavens for nerds. One time when we were bored, we dug all the Doritos bits out of our couch.* This guy hacked his running watch so he could control the tempo of it with his heartbeat. Then he filmed himself doing jumping jacks to 'Call Me Maybe.' This video might be the reason that song exists.
It had been quite a run for the Carly Rae Jepsen hit 'Call Me Maybe.' But the hold the song of the summer once had on shower-singers and lip-synchers everywhere has faded as the weather has turned cold.
However, the Canadian singer's earworm got a bit of a reprise last night at the recording of Comedy Central's 'Night of Too Many Stars.'
We realize it's a little bit late in the game to be putting out 'Call Me Maybe' covers, but we can make an exception out of usefulness. This video might come in handy if you are brand new to the internet and want a crash course in YouTube successes...
It happened to 'Call Me Maybe,' so it's no surprise that there is now a Chatroulette version of 'Gangnam Style' making waves on YouTube. Good news -- it's flashier, funnier and better-executed than the Carly Rae Jepsen knock-off. It's also more pleasing to listen to, but that may be a matter of personal opinion.
American English speakers might sometimes think that people from England and the various British Isles speak rather weirdly. No matter where you're from, this version of 'Call Me Maybe' by May Arcade will strike the ear oddly indeed.
Well, Labor Day weekend is upon us. We hope you made it to the beach. And that you took our End of Summer Survey! The results are in and we're ready to let you know what made the cut as the best of this summer's internet goodness. Check out the results after the jump.
We genuinely thought there could be no more covers or tributes or parodies of 'Call Me Maybe.' One would think that once a song makes its way into a hobo camp, it's pretty much done. But this version has got something all the other ones don't -- a guy holding a machine gun and moonwalking.
Oh my gosh, we get it, you guys -- it's super-easy to write a song to the melody of 'Call Me Maybe'. And everybody ever whose fingers have grazed an instrument knows how to play it. Seriously, we've noticed. Today two more versions of Carly Rae Jepsen's hit have risen to the surface, from pretty much opposite ends of the spectrum -- hobos and young Republicans. We can't decide which one is worse.