See the Baddies from ‘Game of Thrones’ Dressed as Justin Bieber Because We Hate Them
**Warning! Here there be SPOILERS about the last episode of 'Game of Thrones,' which you really should have watched by now!**We've had some pretty mixed emotions after the "Red Wedding" episode of 'Game of Thrones' and knew this was the only thing that would make us feel better.
Like, we didn't really care about Robb Stark, but didn't feel like seeing a pregnant lady get belly murdered. So ENJOY YOUR NEW BLAZERS, JERKS!
Oh, you've got an army of killers? We've got an army (okay three or four) of artists who know PHOTOSHOP. Now you have to wear Justin Bieber clothes, Tywin Lannister and Walder Frey, so you can look like the douches you are.
Sincerely, we feel a lot better.
Sorry, Tywin, we're just having a hard time taking you seriously, because your jacket looks like something a 19-year-old Canadian pop star would wear.
You know what, Walder Frey? You do look like the kind of guy who would ruin a wedding -- by being a terrible DJ.
Not so intimidating now, are we, "Mountain"?
Yeah, Theon Greyjoy, you look like the kind of guy who would try to get sexy with his own sister.
Okay, Melisandre actually looks pretty good. This one kind of backfired.
Go away, Littlefinger -- we still hate you from 'The Wire.'
Wait, Joffrey is King Douche and Bieber is the king of douches...This. Makes. Too. Much. Sense.
-- Written by Emerald Catron and Kristy Puchko
-- Photoshops by Kristy Puchko
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