
pop culture couples
pop culture couples
pop culture couples
This Valentine’s Day, millions will cuddle up with their cats and a box of Dove bars and sink into a juicy romance novel. Wouldn’t it be far more interesting if romance novels contained the complexity, suspense and intrigue of our favorite TV shows and movies? Below, our noblest attempts at visual fan fiction. If these pop culture novels were real, they'd go straight to our Kindles so no one could
Great Movie Adaptations of 2013
Great Movie Adaptations of 2013
Great Movie Adaptations of 2013
2013 is gearing up to have some great movie releases, some of which include the usual book-to-movie adaptions. Yet with allgreat new book to movie adaptions coming out, it can be difficult to figure out which one to spend $10 at the theater on, especially if you are not sure if it will wind up being a hit like 'Lord of the Rings' or a dude like 'Eragon ...
Used Bookstore Introduces Book Vending Machine
Used Bookstore Introduces Book Vending Machine
Used Bookstore Introduces Book Vending Machine
What bibliophile hasn't dreamed of just putting money into a vending machine and out comes a book that you can read to your heart's content? Sounds great, but not very likely, right? Well, that's where you're wrong. The Monkey's Paw, a used bookstore in Toronto, Canada has created such a machine.
Romance Novels
Romance Novels
Romance Novels
Today's reading experience is nothing like the literal "page-turners" of yesteryear. But even with the e-Book, the Kindle and the iPad at our fingertips, we can still spot a wacky romance novel cover from a mile off.
10 Sci-Fi and Fantasy Novels That Would Make Great Movies
10 Sci-Fi and Fantasy Novels That Would Make Great Movies
10 Sci-Fi and Fantasy Novels That Would Make Great Movies
With book-to-movie adaptations of 'The Lord of the Rings,' 'Harry Potter,' 'The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo' and 'The Hunger Games' making so much money, Hollywood should check out these novels if they want to keep earning the big bucks. Most, like 'Wicked Lovely' and 'Good Omens,' already have a built-in fan base, while newer releases like 'Iron Codex' would appeal to both 'Twilight' and 'LOTR' f
Rope Sales Rise Thanks to ‘Fifty Shades of Grey’
Rope Sales Rise Thanks to ‘Fifty Shades of Grey’
Rope Sales Rise Thanks to ‘Fifty Shades of Grey’
There's no denying that E. L. James' erotic novel 'Fifty Shades of Grey' -- which features a storyline involving bondage and sadomasochism -- is a bonafide phenomenon. And now, even hardware stores are getting in the craze as sales of rope are on the rise.
Listen to a Hilarious ‘Clean’ Version of ‘Fifty Shades of Grey’
Listen to a Hilarious ‘Clean’ Version of ‘Fifty Shades of Grey’
Listen to a Hilarious ‘Clean’ Version of ‘Fifty Shades of Grey’
E. L. James' trilogy "Fifty Shades of Grey" continues to create buzz almost a full year after its release. A couple weeks ago, it was banned by a library in Florida, causing soccer moms to kick up their crazy level. Then, innocent cutesy Disney Star Selena Gomez spoofed it with, 'Fifty Shades of Blue.' Now, the erotic S&M-laden novel series gets a thorough scrubbing by radio show 'Ki
Florida Library Bans ‘Fifty Shades of Grey,’ Soccer Moms Freak Out
Florida Library Bans ‘Fifty Shades of Grey,’ Soccer Moms Freak Out
Florida Library Bans ‘Fifty Shades of Grey,’ Soccer Moms Freak Out
E.L. James' 'Fifty Shades of Grey' has taken the publishing world by storm, with many deeming the steamy erotic novel "soccer-mom porn." And while it certainly isn't suitable for children, a lot of adults are upset that the libraries in Brevard County, Fla. have banned the book from its shelves.
10 Things You Probably Didn’t Know About Maurice Sendak
10 Things You Probably Didn’t Know About Maurice Sendak
10 Things You Probably Didn’t Know About Maurice Sendak
Maurice Sendak’s passing marked more than just the end for a great children’s author and illustrator. Parents and children alike have read and loved Sendak’s works and stories for years because as Sendak often said, he didn’t consider his books to be for children. They may have been marketed that way, but the ideas and images Sendak created spoke to more than just the young and young at heart. Rea
‘The Artist’ Wonder Dog Uggie Is Writing His Own Memoir?
‘The Artist’ Wonder Dog Uggie Is Writing His Own Memoir?
‘The Artist’ Wonder Dog Uggie Is Writing His Own Memoir?
Uggie may have retired from his thriving on-screen career as the back-flipping Jack Russell terrier from 'The Artist' and those awesome Nintendo DS commercials, but it looks as though he just might become the next best-selling author. Yup, you read that right. Uggie -- a dog -- will be releasing his memoirs this October.
Artist Recreates The Old Man and the Sea With an Epic Stop-Motion Video
Artist Recreates The Old Man and the Sea With an Epic Stop-Motion Video
Artist Recreates The Old Man and the Sea With an Epic Stop-Motion Video
Tons of high school students have read Ernest Hemingway's The Old Man and the Sea, and chances are you've searched for the Spark Notes version at one point or another. Well, if you're one of those kids still trying to avoid reading the book, artist Marcel Schindler has created an even better way to experience the classic story.
10 Wonderfully Awesome ‘Berenstain Bears’ Books
10 Wonderfully Awesome ‘Berenstain Bears’ Books
10 Wonderfully Awesome ‘Berenstain Bears’ Books
Fans of quality children's books were saddened by the passing of Jan Berenstain, cocreator (with her husband Stan) of the long-running 'Berenstain Bears' books series. (Stan passed away in 2005 from cancer.) Cartoonists and parenting book authors, Stan and Jan sought out to create a series that could deal with the ups-and-downs of parenting. The Berenstain Bears launched in 1962 with 'The Big Hone

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