It's that time of year, when you give everybody who coughs on the train a dirty look and tie your hands to your waist with elastic to keep from accidentally touching your face until you've had a chance to wash them under soap and water for at least three minutes. That's right. It's flu season. Here are some tips for coming out on the other side okay.
After last year's flu season, which health officials say was one of the mildest in the past 30 years, the illness is back with a vengeance. Well, if you're unlucky enough to currently have the flu, at least a new Facebook app can help track down the diseased jerk who gave it to you in the first place.
Conventional wisdom holds that keeping a pet can actually improve your health. But a new study suggests that people who own cats may actually be at a higher risk of committing suicide. Ack! Suddenly we're looking at our kitty in a whole new light.
As definitive proof that no good deed goes unpunished, an unidentified Oregon man in his 50s has contracted the plague after rescuing a mouse from the jaws of a cat. Gah! Next time, just let nature take its course, pal.
It appears that no matter how delicious the food at your favorite restaurant seems to be, it has nothing to do with how the business operates on the inside. Recently, a pro-worker group called Restaurant Opportunities Centers United produced a guide--mentioned in NY Times Columnist Mark Bittman's column--that lists many of America's most popular restaurants with the purpose of letting you know jus
We all know that sugar can make you fat. But we eat it anyway because it's really good.
So what if we were to tell you sugar can also make you dumb? Would you put down your Big Gulp and step away from your Snickers?
Generally, when something sounds too good to be true, it probably is. But what we are about to tell you -- that chocolate may actually help keep you slim -- seems to have a lot of science behind it.
Alexis Rodriguez had quite a shock when he opened his hospital bill, and it almost gave him another reason to visit the hospital. After being treated for pneumonia, his bill for outpatient services to the Bronx-Lebanon Hospital totaled exactly $44, 776,587.
Doctors in the United Kingdom removed a pen from an unidentified woman's stomach that had been there for more than 25 years. And yet, when we're looking for one, they're nowhere to be found.
First Lady Michelle Obama is a world record holder, and she didn't even have to anything weird like stuff a bunch of quarters up her nose or run around in her underwear, which is what less presidentially-connected folks have been doing recently to set world records.
Instead, she set her mark in a recent event in which 300,000 kids in locations around the world joined her in doing jumping jacks, sh
For years society has told us that drinking coffee, drinking beer and swearing are bad, but thanks to the results of new research released in 2011, some things we thought were bad are actually good for us. Turns out being a caffeine-addled, Guinness-soaked potty mouth actually improves your health -- in moderation, of course.
E! presenter and reality TV star Giuliana Rancic, who has been battling breast cancer, announced on Today Monday morning that she will undergo a double mastectomy.
Next time you pump your own gas, you might just want to wear gloves. According to a report released by Kimberly Clark Professional, gas pump handles rank as one of the dirtiest surfaces that Americans touch on a regular basis. Yuck.
Anthony, Glen, Isaac and Christian want you to take breast cancer seriously, even if that means they have to send pictures of their sculpted bodies to your cell phone.