Just let us have our dream. A dream where we love watching television because Ryan Gosling is in every show. Where choosing something on Netflix is impossibly easy, because Ryan Gosling is in everything. A world where we actually pay money to see 'The Big Wedding' because The Gos plays every part. This is what that dream world would look like. We hope you enjoy it as much as we would.

  • 'The Voice'

    Kristy Puchko
    Kristy Puchko

    We could turn off the sound and just watch.

  • 'The Big Wedding'

    Kristy Puchko
    Kristy Puchko

    This is almost enough Ryan Goslings.

  • 'Star Trek'

    Kristy Puchko
    Kristy Puchko

    A brilliant way to get more people to watch 'Star Trek.'

  • 'Smash'

    Kristy Puchko
    Kristy Puchko

    Not ashamed to say this would make us watch 'Smash.'

  • 'The New Girl'

    Kristy Puchko
    Kristy Puchko

    Totally adorkable!

  • 'Mad Men'

    Kristy Puchko
    Kristy Puchko

    We can't even imagine pitting Ryan Gosling against Jon Hamm. Our brains hurt.

  • 'Iron Man'

    Kristy Puchko
    Kristy Puchko

    Iron Man would be a bit more sensitive, we bet.

  • 'Game of Thrones'

    Kristy Puchko
    Kristy Puchko

    We would feel totally different about Jaime Lannister if he were Ryan Gosling.

  • 'Duck Dynasty'

    Kristy Puchko
    Kristy Puchko

    Ummm ...YES we would watch this version of 'Duck Dynasty.'

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