Yelp Reviews Get The Dramatic Reading They Deserve
Yelp Reviews Get The Dramatic Reading They Deserve
Yelp Reviews Get The Dramatic Reading They Deserve
This is Chris Kipiniak. You might recognize Chris from his work on "The Good Wife", "Law & Order", and "Delocated". But after this dramatic reading of a Yelp review, you'll never forget him.
Spider-Dad Gives Son Greatest Birthday Ever
Spider-Dad Gives Son Greatest Birthday Ever
Spider-Dad Gives Son Greatest Birthday Ever
Daniel Gracia is the most awesome dad ever. Or at least a dad willing to do pretty much anything for his son on his birthday. Oliver thinks he's getting an awesome present by being given his very own Spidey suit... but that's just the start.
Man Attacks Neighbor With Toilet Lid
Man Attacks Neighbor With Toilet Lid
Man Attacks Neighbor With Toilet Lid
We're going to take a wild shot in the dark here and assume Ronald Hetzel of Las Vegas was not having a good day when police first appeared on the scene after getting reports of objects being thrown inside Hetzel's house. He was sitting on the curb screaming with no shirt on. And then it got worse, especially for his neighbor.
Man Proposes With ‘You Don’t Know Jack’
Man Proposes With ‘You Don’t Know Jack’
Man Proposes With ‘You Don’t Know Jack’
'You Don't Know Jack' has been a popular game series since it debuted in the mid-'90s. Currently, it's ruining worker productivity on Facebook. But the game with the sarcastic announcer and brutal difficulty curve has a soft center as this video demonstrates.
Funniest Memes of the Week – Grandma Finds the Internet, White Dog Problems, and More
Funniest Memes of the Week – Grandma Finds the Internet, White Dog Problems, and More
Funniest Memes of the Week – Grandma Finds the Internet, White Dog Problems, and More
Hmm, what's going on in the world right now? Well, 'The Dark Knight Rises' just came out, the presidential race is getting tough, and Chick-fil-A insists on keeping an anti-gay marriage stance. Combine that with a little internet-inept grandma, a confessing bear and some "white dog problems," and you've got the Funniest Memes of the Week.
What Time Does the Olympic Opening Ceremony Start?
What Time Does the Olympic Opening Ceremony Start?
What Time Does the Olympic Opening Ceremony Start?
The question of what time does the Olympic opening ceremony start has more than one answer. Technically, the kick off event for the XXX Olympiad is set to get underway Friday, July 27th at 9:30 PM London time, or 4:30 PM Eastern Standard Time. However, NBC won't be airing the event until 7:30PM, Eastern and Pacific time.  So American audiences will end up watching the opening ceremony on a tape de
Creative London Shopkeep Gets Around Olympics Advertising Ban
Creative London Shopkeep Gets Around Olympics Advertising Ban
Creative London Shopkeep Gets Around Olympics Advertising Ban
The Brits may be known for being "prim and proper," but when it comes to the practically Draconian regulations surrounding Olympic advertising there are no rules to this game. Even the words "London" and "Summer" have been banned from any advertiser who refuses to pay the costly sum of approximately $500 billion to the International Olympics Committee. There’s even an
Woman Accidentally Bakes Life Savings
Woman Accidentally Bakes Life Savings
Woman Accidentally Bakes Life Savings
When it comes to storing large amounts of money in your home, underneath the mattress has long been the venue of choice. But when an Australian man sold his car for $15,000, he thought he had come up with a better place to bank the cash.
Nickelback Fan Falls Into Gorge While Attempting to Sneak Into Concert
Nickelback Fan Falls Into Gorge While Attempting to Sneak Into Concert
Nickelback Fan Falls Into Gorge While Attempting to Sneak Into Concert
Nickelback is the band everybody loves to hate. Well, everybody besides the loyal fans of the Canadian rockers, who have sold over 50 million records worldwide, as they are quick to tell you. As of today, there is no Nickelback fan more loyal than 22-year-old Kevin Beaudette of Tupper Lake, NY, who risked life and limb to see the band.
Five Lifelong Friends Take the Same Photo Every Five Years
Five Lifelong Friends Take the Same Photo Every Five Years
Five Lifelong Friends Take the Same Photo Every Five Years
In 1982, John Wardlaw was joined by four of his high school buddies at his family's cabin in Copco Lake, California. During their retreat the five friends, who were all about 19, shot a group photo using a self-timing camera. They didn't think much of it at the time, but when they all found themselves at the cabin again five years later they decided to recreate the photo. Thus began a tradition th
Man Rescues 80-Year-Old Lobster from Restaurant
Man Rescues 80-Year-Old Lobster from Restaurant
Man Rescues 80-Year-Old Lobster from Restaurant
In a story that's sure to make you hungry for seafood, a Connecticut man recently rescued a gigantic 80-year-old lobster from certain death at a local restaurant and released it back into the wild. Too bad! And here we are with our bibs on and drawn butter at the ready...

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