‘Overly Attached Girlfriend’ Starts Charity ‘Dare’ Campaign
Laina Walker, AKA the Overly Attached Girlfriend, has decided to take the internet fame she's made and use it for good. So she's started a video campaign called "Dare to Share." This month she's raising money for Surf Camp -- a surf camp for kids with autism. Since the video was posted yesterday she's raised $12,000 of her $50,000 goal.
Every time she reaches a new tier of fundraising she has to do a dare. As it stands now she has to drink a gross shake, do a 'Gangnam Style' flashmob at an Apple store and eat a bunch and ride a roller coaster. If she raises all $50,000 she will jump out of a plane, and she's very, very scared of heights. It's nice to know the internet does good things too sometimes.