Heroic Man Saves Toddler Dangling from Balcony
In southern China, a man is being hailed as a hero for risking his own life to save a four-year-old girl dangling from a balcony four stories up. The man actually clung to the side of a building and supported the child for almost 10 minutes before rescuers arrived. He's a real-life Spider-Man!
According to reports, 23-year-old Zhou Chong stood on the side of the building on his toes and propped up the child, whose head had gotten stuck in the railings of a balcony, with his hand.
After the child was rescued, Zhou left the scene without a word. (He's brave and humble!) But video of the incident went viral and the media and neighbors tracked him down.
According to Zhou, the amazing feat was easy for him given his former job in the construction industry. Although he did admit to being somewhat sore later.
"At the start, when I went to prop the girl up, I didn't think too much and just kept going. But after that, when I got down to the ground, my legs felt a little weak, but recovered after that. After I went home, both my calves were painful for two days,” he said.
"At that time I wasn't thinking much and I wasn't looking to gain anything. It was easy for me to do this,” he added.
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