Drunken Lab Tech Pulls Down Pants and Parties With Monkeys
Generally, scientists are thought to be pretty stiff. But a lab tech at Georgia Health Sciences University bucked the trend on August 13th when he was found drunk and partially clothed in a campus locker room while several monkeys, which he presumably let out of their cages, ran wild. Dude knows how to party!
According to police, a coworker found Coley Mitchell in a locker room at the Sanders Research and Education Building around 10:30 p.m. He was reportedly sitting in a chair with (of course) his pants down. When asked to leave the room, Mitchell became belligerent and was arrested on charges of public intoxication.
In addition, two monkeys were found outside their cages but were fortunately confined to a single room in the Animals Services Lab. They were recaptured and examined by a veterinarian who gave them a clean bill of health.
"GHSU does not condone behavior that conflicts with the research, education and clinical missions of the university and employees are expected to conduct themselves, at all times, with integrity and respect," said Jennifer Hilliard Scott, a senior media relations coordinator for the school.
Mitchell was later released from jail on August 17th and summarily fired from the university. Looks like he'll need to pursue his party animal habits elsewhere.
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