Extreme ‘American Idol’ Fans Stab Each Other During Fight Over Who Should Win
'American Idol' may not be the ratings juggernaut it once was, but that doesn't mean its fans are any less passionate.
A couple living together in West Manchester Township, Pennsylvania was arrested after stabbing each other over a disagreement about who should win 'American Idol' while watching the show's finale last week.
As if that's not absurd enough, the man and woman at the center of the dispute aren't even in the teeny bopper demographic the Fox show covets. Nope, Gregory Stambaugh is 57 and his lady love, Karen Elaine Harrelson, is 48 -- ages where they should be arguing over the stance political candidates take on Social Security, not who deserves to be America's next manufactured pop star.
The fight escalated and one of them grabbed a knife from the kitchen and stabbed the other. That person then took the knife and stabbed back, with Harrelson and Stambaugh each claiming the other started it. Ir's also unclear who supported Candice Glover and who wanted Kree Harrison to win. Of course, Glover did won, surely sending Harrison's fan into an absolute tizzy.
Both Harrelson and Stambaugh were charged with two counts of simple assault and one count of aggravated assault. Neither suffered any serious injuries, unless you consider shame and embarrassment to fall into that category.