iPod Turns 10 — Happy Birthday to the Greatest Invention of All Time
The iPod, Apple's MP3 player that revolutionized the way we listen to music, recently celebrated its tenth birthday. How do ya like them apples, Microsoft Zune!
Can anyone remember MP3 players before the iPod? They were dinky and only held, at most, a handful of songs. The iPod forever changed how we listen to music by offering a cool looking product that could hold a huge chunk of our music collection.
It could probably be said that it was the product that ushered in the era of MP3s, putting the final nail in the coffin of CDs and physical media.
Today it exists in several different forms as the iTouch, Nano and Shuffle as well as its classic design. It's another in a long legacy of products Steve Jobs gave us before passing on.
Happy birthday, iPod! Here's to 10 more years of shuffling.
[via Telegraph]
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