This could be the best thing that's happened to us today. We found a new Subreddit (courtesy of Daily Dot) dedicated solely to the moments in infomercials when people can't do simple things everybody else can do.

Things like hanging up a phone, washing their hands and properly feeding themselves so they don't die. Subreddit 'Where Did the Soda Go' is almost exclusively GIFs of these magical moments. It combines three of our favorite things -- GIFs, infomercials and LOLz. Here are our picks for favorite.

NO! Not the basketball!

the basketball
Where Did the Soda Go?

So, I just take the spoon and I --oh ahhwaarargghjl!!!!

spoon problems
Where Did the Soda Go?

Fight Club rule number one: never keep liquids near anything ever.

soda spill
Where Did the Soda Go?

And that, sadly, is how grandpa died.

shoe fail
Where Did the Soda Go?

Take that, stupid brain.

qtip problems
Where Did the Soda Go?

GAH! Pouring is hard!

pour fail
Where Did the Soda Go?

See what we mean about the pouring?

milk is hard
Where Did the Soda Go?

Lousy stinking, impossible brownies.

impossible brownies
Where Did the Soda Go?


hotdog mystery
Where Did the Soda Go?

C'mon, hands. Help a sister out.

hands don't work
Where Did the Soda Go?

Aaaaaand goodbye NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!

giant cheetohs
Where Did the Soda Go?

Strike pouring. EVERYTHING is hard.

everything is hard
Where Did the Soda Go?

Protip: Don't fan the green butt odor directly into your face.

Where Did the Soda Go?
Where Did the Soda Go?

Stupid bread, why won't you cut?!

hard bread
Where Did the Soda Go?

The infamous soda that started it all:

missing soda
Where Did the Soda Go?

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