Here are 16 awkward white people dances just about anyone can do. Or, if you aspire to something greater, you can at least study them to make sure you don't find yourself accidentally shuffling along to 'My Humps.'
One of the reasons we love the holidays so much is that there are tons of ways we can celebrate. Ugly Christmas sweater parties probably rank at the top of our favorites, just because wearing the ugliest cardigan ever in the name of holiday spirit is strangely fun. So what ranks towards the bottom of our favorites list? Office parties.
For some, winter storms mean a totally awesome snow day. For the rest of us, it means pure, unadulterated jealousy. Strictly for the latter, here are some GIFs of animals playing in the snow, so we can enjoy the best part of a winter storm, without all the stupid shoveling. In your FACE, snowbound people, with your hot cocoa and your unadulterated TV binges.
We're sure you hold a special place in your heart for those classic Disney movies from your childhood. Little girls especially experience their first stories of love and magic through the many Disney versions of fairy tales. With dreams of growing up to be princesses themselves, these now big girls may be a little disturbed to find out what they were really learning while watching the seemingly in
Need a quick pick-me-up? Something to make your mood brighten a bit? Well folks, we’ve got the perfect solution: the Web’s most adorably excited munchkins.
We don't know what the weather's like where you are, but it is a chilly, grey, rainy Monday here, so we need this. In fact, even if it's totally gorgeous where you are, these pictures and GIFs of animal best buds is probably worth a look. First of all, they're really cute. Secondly, they'll probably cheer you up. Last, why wouldn't you want to see a seal cuddling a penguin?! Enjoy!
Everyone knows that vampires suck … your blood!!!! Seriously though, do you know the history behind modern vampire lore? These creatures of the night have been lurking around for a very long time, although the princes and princesses of darkness have taken on different guises and mythologies throughout the ages.
We know parents love their kids. They want what's best for them. But sometimes, mom and dad can be super annoying, and munchkins have no problem letting 'em know.
A night out at a restaurant offers the perfect break from the rigors of cooking and cleaning at home. Who doesn't love going out for a nice meal? The waitstaff is who, especially when you prove to be a pain in the butt.
Cats have a bad rap. They're notoriously grumpy, cold-hearted jerks who would rather be standoffish than snuggle. Unless you're a cat person, in which case you know the truth. Despite the horrible scratches from random claw attacks, cats are the sweetest greatest pets. Here are 25 GIFs that prove it.
Well, 'Futurama' is over. The final episode aired last night. We...don't feel great about it. But why use words to describe our feelings, when we could use moving pictures. No, not videos -- GIFs! These sad GIFs from 'Futurama' sum up our feelings on the end of the beloved animated series best.
Yup, Bill Nye the Science Guy is going to be on season 17 of 'Dancing With the Stars.' We think he's going to win. Not just because we're looking for some sort of 'Revenge of the Nerds'-type fantasy to play out (well, mostly that), but also because Nye has got some moves. Don't believe us? Fine, we're used to that. Check out these GIFs.