Watch a Pair of Adorable French Bulldogs ‘Twist’ the Night Away
We already knew that French bulldogs were sensitive, friendly and capable of winning a fight against Triumph the Insult Comic Dog, but did you know that they can also dance? In this clip, a pair of crazy-adorable pups go completely bonkers to Chubby Checker's 'The Twist.'
Is there no end to what this breed can do?
While Checker's hit plays, bulldogs Midge and Franklin writhe uncontrollably on a carpet almost nonstop for a full minute. In truth, they're probably just trying to scratch an itch, but in our dreams they're trying to master the dance craze from the 1960s.
Midge and Franklin are actually two of four bulldogs living in California who are known as the Moon Pieds. Check out their Facebook page for a ton of fun stuff, including a hysterical regular feature called the "Sit of the Day."
[via VetStreet]
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