Watch a Spot-On Impression of Dubstep
Let's face it -- dubstep isn't for everybody. But last week we saw a pretty neat a capella cover of a Skrillex song that just about anybody can enjoy. And now we have vocal contortionist Thomas Middleditch's imitation of the notorious dubstep "drop" that is sure to make you smile. Check it out.
Pretty much nailed it. Although it is a bit disturbing to learn that humans can also make those horrible sounds.
Middleditch's impression is so good that we wouldn't be surprised if dubstep artists actually sample it. In fact, we now expect the next Skrillex release to be titled 'Get Out Of That Refrigerator Right Now.'
For more proof of Middleditch's vocal prowess, watch his hilarious imitation of Daniel Day-Lewis in 'There Will Be Blood.'