Dancing Hurdler Michelle Jenneke Achieves Internet Gold
Australia's Michelle "Shelly" Jenneke competed in the IAAF World Junior Championship held in Barcelona last weekend; and although she won't be competing in the London Olympics, she's already won the heart of the Web.
It all began with a little jig she did to get herself warmed up before hitting the 100-meter sprint, and it's now turned into internet gold. Did you see the video that started it all? If not, check it out below.
It's amazing what people do when they're "in the zone."
Following in the footsteps of Ridiculously Photogenic Guy, Overly Attached Girlfriend and Scumbag Steve, Jenneke now has her own line of internet video mash-ups (see below) and animated GIFs. Plus, she's got a slew of guys drooling over her. Even if you're not into that last part so much, we can all agree that adding '80s dance music to the original footage of her pre-run routine is worth a watch.
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