The 10 Cutest Tiny Dogs Ever
We're huge suckers for anything involving puppies, like skateboarding Santa dogs or Star Wars pups. (Come on-- how could you not be?!) We're equally obsessed with anything in miniature form. So what happens when the two are combined? Holy moly cuteness, that's what!
First, let's revisit one of the greatest studies in the history of studies-- the one that claims looking at cat and canine photos boosts workplace productivity by almost 50%. Amazing, right? Well, when pics of mini puppies are involved, we're betting your productivity will skyrocket by, like, 99%. That's why we've rounded up the most adorable distraction on the Web today: the 10 cutest tiny dogs ever. They're itty bitty furballs that can occupy us for hours. And trust us-- these photos will make you crank out work faster than you've ever cranked out work before. Maybe.