Rejoice — Twinkies Ice Cream Is Here (Well, Sort Of)
This may be the greatest thing in the history of great things.
Someone snapped a photo of Twinkies ice cream that is available to purchase at Riesbeck's, a grocery store in Ohio and West Virginia. Sno Balls was another flavor offered.
It's not clear if the ice cream is available in all of the stores or if it was just this unidentified one. It's not a surprise that the frozen treat is on the market -- word got out in December that Hostess would sell it for a limited time, although it was expected to be for sale at Dollar General beginning in February before lining shelves in other stores around the country.
It's a pretty good development for a snack that, just a few years back, was about to disappear forever.
Happy hunting for an ice cream that you know you want to try.
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