Based on the real-life experiences of writer (and 'Law and Order' creator) Dick Wolf, 'School Ties' follows a young Jewish man named David Greene (Brendan Fraser) as he's accepted into a prestigious prep school and must hide his religious background from his antisemitic classmates. Released in 1992, the film boasted an incredible cast, including then little-known actors Ben Affleck and Matt Damon.
It seems like Matt Damon has turned down almost as many roles as he's taken. Not really, but there are a lot of opportunities (and a couple disasters) that Damon has shied away from over the years.
During last night's episode of 'Jimmy Kimmel Live,' Matt Damon stepped in to play the role of host. Actually, judging by Kimmel's appearance -- being duct taped and gagged -- it looks as if he just took control.
The world of Reddit is a strange and unusual place. Case in point: There is a subreddit called My Little Damon which is dedicated wholly to superimposing Matt Damon's face onto animated scenes from the popular cartoon 'My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic.'
Why? Well, with the internet's virtually limitless bandwidth, shouldn't the question be "Why Not?"
When the trailer of 'Bourne Legacy' begins, we get a shaky glimpse of Jeremy Renner. The actor, who's taking over the 'Bourne' series for Matt Damon is identified as Kenneth Kitson, and he is looking quite the worse for wear.
With the holiday moviegoing season in full swing, there are many flicks to choose from. Do you go with heartwarming family fare or the quirky indie gem? Luckily, we found one movie that you can take both your mom and your trendy sister to. Check out the poster for a new holiday classic below.
If there's one thing Katy Perry and Andy Samberg taught us this week on 'SNL,' it's that the holidays are the time to spend with loved ones and 'Best Friends.' It's also the time to meet new best friends, even if they happen to be a homeless Mat Damon, who likes to steal socks, and "brilliant lunatic" Val Kilmer, who likes to huff gas fumes.
You may not find it pre-printed on the kitten calendar hanging in your office, but November 19 is World Toilet Day. And while the name may evoke snickers, the cause is deadly serious. And Matt Damon is throwing his support behind it.
Last week eBay seller Jack Mord offered up this photo of a man who lived in Bristol, Tennessee around the time of the Civil War as evidence that actor Nicolas Cage is a vampire "who quickens/reinvents himself once every 75 years or so."
At the Save Our Schools Million Teacher March in Washington DC on July 30th, actor Matt Damon was grilled on his feelings about public school educators. Damon, who attended public school in Boston as a youth and whose own mother is a public school teacher, made some impassioned remarks in defense of teachers.