Little Penny was carelessly tossed out onto the side of the road in Harrisonville, Virginia, but thanks to Officer Timothy Rugg, the kitten now has a home.
French Tumblr Des Hommes et des Chatons (Men and Kittens) makes us wonder -- do we like kittens because they remind us of hunky dudes, or do we like hunky dudes because they remind us of kittens? Or, are they both great and this is the best Tumblr evvvaaar?! Probably that last one.
Whether or not their motivation was a prize beyond that gate, the ever-looming option of freedom, or they were merely trying to get closer to their mother, we aren't sure, but it doesn't really matter when there are precious, precious kittens involved.
We could offer an explanation of this. But we really don't have one, and do you really need one? It's just an adorable Corgi puppy and an equally adorable kitten snuggling, and arguing in their sleep over who gets the most pillow. Oh, and chewing on each other's feet...
Ask anybody who owns a cat: Cats love sports. Not because they love the interplay of human achievement at the highest level with physics and chance, or because they love statistics and analysis. No, they love sports because a small ball goes flying around, riveting their attention...
Some people are calling this a ridiculously photogenic cat, and by "some people" we mean Reddit. Though, we're pretty sure it's actually just frightening. Like the second after this picture was taken it's mouth turned into a vortex that sucked in everything around it within a 50-foot radius and transported it to another dimension.
There is no creature more fearsome in the wild than the giant cats. The tiger, the panther, the lion, all justly feared predators who strike with neither warning nor mercy.
These kittens, not so much. But the instincts are still there.
It's tough being a kitten. You're small. You're constantly hungry. Humans keep picking you up and saying words you can't understand because you're a cat. And clearly, it's exhausting.
Animals getting along together are just super fun to watch. Particularly sworn enemies like cats and dogs. But a tiny kitten playing with a full grown doberman? Check out this cute (albeit a bit worrying) video in which a six-week-old kitten shows no fear as it takes on a two-year-old Doberman.
We've seen some pretty epic kitten fights before, but this showdown between champion "Looney" Lenny Swiftfoot and challenger Billie "The Brawler" Montrose has to be considered the Ali-Frazier of the genre.
What's the only thing cuter than a British Shorthair kitten waking up from a nap? That would be four British Shorthair kittens waking up from naps. Especially when one of the kitties can't keep his paws to himself.