
Bears With Beaks
Bears With Beaks
Bears With Beaks
If you're not familiar with Birds With Arms, a single-serving Tumblr that posts images of birds with human arms Photoshopped onto them, Bears With Beaks might make no sense. If you are familiar, and you like Birds With Arms, you'll love this.
10 Birds Who Are Lady Gaga’s Biggest Fans
10 Birds Who Are Lady Gaga’s Biggest Fans
10 Birds Who Are Lady Gaga’s Biggest Fans
Birds are funny creatures, mainly because they're prone to unfortunate (and hilarious) haircuts. They also have a particular knack for jamming out to music, and they're pretty good at it, too! Remember that master beatboxer dubstep bird? That was just a measly intro to birdy talent.
The Pope’s Dove of Peace Was Attacked by a Seagull
The Pope’s Dove of Peace Was Attacked by a Seagull
The Pope’s Dove of Peace Was Attacked by a Seagull
Just as he finished a sermon on Sunday, Pope Benedict XVI symbolically released two doves into the air as a call for peace. But soon after the birds took flight, an aggressive seagull began dive bombing one of them. Uh oh. We're generally not superstitious, but we sure hope this isn't a sign of bad things to come.
Chick Chick-Ah!
Chick Chick-Ah!
Chick Chick-Ah!
Warning: our obsession with baby animals is unstoppable. Can you honestly blame us, though? We're already suckers for anything fuzzy and adorable, but when it comes in a tiny version, we're just sucked in automatically. Remember miniature puppies or itty bitty kittens? Our point exactly.
Bad Hair Day
Bad Hair Day
Bad Hair Day
If you know anything about us here at TheFW, it's that we love any sort of furball, particularly those of the adorable variety. Tiny dogs, piglets in people clothes, you name it-- we're fans. There are also times when we sort of feel bad for our fellow animals. This is especially true when unfortunate haircuts are involved.

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