Viral Video Stars Sophia Grace and Rosie Make The Grammys 100% Cuter
A video of the Brownlee sisters, Sophia Grace and Rosie, singing the Nicki Minaj song 'Super Bass' was one of the biggest viral hits of 2011. A lot of those clicks were a result of Ellen Degeneres, who featured the adorable little British girls on her daytime program soon after the video hit the Web.
DeGeneres continued her relationship with the Brownlees on Sunday, sending the pair to the Grammys as reporters.
The sisters were among the big hits of the night, and impressed everyone they met on the red carpet. Sophia Grace and Rosie were back on 'Ellen' Tuesday, where they talked about their experiences at the awards show.
Pretty charming stuff. Everything just sounds so much better when said in an upper crust British accent. Celebrities like Rihanna, Taylor Swift, Katy Perry and Adam Levine must think so too, because they couldn't get enough of the girls.
The highlight of the night for the Brownlees seemed to come when rapper Flo Rida gave Sophia Grace his sunglasses. No way he does that for Melissa Rivers or Ryan Seacrest. Come on Ellen, send Sophia Grace and Rosie to the Oscars!