11 Snacks More Dangerous Sounding Than Flamin’ Hot Cheetos
Several schools across the country have banned Flamin' Hot Cheetos because they are so unhealthy and dangerous to kids. What about these snacks? They seem *at least* as terrifying as something that promises to be hot as fire. It certainly can't be safe for kids to eat these. Also, we want some.
Lava Balls
Not only are these spicy, they're probably also a great way to get a terrible nickname.
Devil Dogs
Oh Cerberus, you tasty, tasty snack cake.
Nitro Takis
The snack so bad they had to name it after an American Gladiator
Red Hot Riplets Rap Snacks
These snacks distract from traditional education with their pimp education.
Clamato Chips
Everyone knows Clamato is the devil's drink.
Death Rain Fire Balls
3rd Degree Burn Doritos
- Foodista
We prefer our snacks to destroy every layer of skin, thank you very much.
Because we're pretty sure "sponch" is the sound a dog makes when it barfs.
Every Kind of Goldfish Cracker Ever
Why is this thing smiling? Is it because it's EVIL???
Tohato Tyrant Habanero Burning Hell Hot
No seriously, though, this is just terrifying.
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