The Romney Boys Dish on Their Prankster, Moonwalking Dad on ‘Conan’
If Mitt Romney were to be elected president, his five sons would equal the total offspring of the last three Presidents combined. (Although he would be nowhere close to being the President with the most kids -- 10th prez John Tyler had a whooping 15!)
All the Romney boys showed up on 'Conan' Wednesday, where they described their dad as a dedicated prankster with quite the vindictive streak when the joke is on him. Watch Josh Romney discuss the time he made his dad shriek in terror -- and then paid for it.
The Romney Boys (who would prefer if you call them the Romney Brothers, being that they are grown man with families of their own) also told Conan that they were initially against their dad running for president in 2012, after having gone through the GOP primary in 2008.
But they are on board now, and willing to address talk that their dad is an expert "moonwalker." According to the brothers they know of that rumor, but have never actually seen Mitt perform Michael Jackson's famous backward dance. Matt Romney suggested that's because of a turf toe the former Massachusetts governor suffered years ago. Whatever the reason, it looks like MJ's legacy as the world's most famous moonwalker is still safe. Watch the rest of the interview below.
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