Read Beyonce’s Fan Letter to Michelle Obama
When it comes to the public's approval, Michelle Obama has a higher rating than even her husband. So it shouldn't be surprising if we see more and more of Michelle as we approach the 2012 election.
In fact, just this week she showed up on the 'The Colbert Report,' and the cover of Ebony Magazine. But it was what was inside Ebony that's geting a lot of buzz today: a handwritten note from Beyonce, which sings the First Lady's praises.
Calling her "the ULTIMATE example of a truly strong African American Woman," Beyonce goes on to say, "I am proud to have my daughter grow up in the world where she has people like you to look up to."
It's not surprising that Beyonce would say good things about an Obama, as she performed at Barack's inaugural ball in 2009. Since then, she has been seen at fundraising events for the President. But a handwritten note is always a nice touch. Check it out in its entirety below.
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