See the Funny Faces of the 2012 Olympic Divers
Before the Olympics began we ran a gallery of all the funny faces divers make when they fall to the water in otherwise perfect form. Since then it has gone viral, and the folks at Reddit had even more fun with those images by Photoshopping the divers on the toilet.
While one would think this would make divers more careful about their facial contortions, it turns out the 2012 Olympic crop hasn't changed their approach at all. It's almost like all they care about is winning gold and pay absolutely no heed to the high speed cameras that are trained their way.
Since they won't stop it with their ridiculous faces, we've decided to make another gallery. As of today all the Olympic diving events have been synchronized, so bonus points to pairs who have the ability to make their funny faces in unison. Check the best goofy diving faces of the Olympics so far below. (Come back throughout the Olympics for updates.)
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