Watch Obama ‘Sing’ Justin Bieber’s ‘Boyfriend’
During an appearance on 'David Letterman' last week, Justin Bieber wouldn't say if he would vote for Barack Obama or Mitt Romney in the 2012 presidential election. (Of course, he doesn't actually get to make that decision, as the 18-year old is a citizen of Canada and not the United States.)
Nevertheless, one of the two candidates is still working hard to nail down Bieber's endorsement. Watch Barack Obama "sing" the pop sensation's hit 'Boyfriend.'
While many will say that was better than the original, Obama wasn't really singing the tune about teenage longing. In fact, this slick editing job comes from Baracksdubs, the same folks who recently had the Commander-in-chief belting out Carly Rae Jepsen's hopelessly addictive song 'Call Me Maybe.'
Previously, they've manipulated Obama into covering LMFAO's 'Sexy And I Know it' and Lady Gaga's 'Born This Way.'
What song should the president be made to sing next? We're thinking Goyte's 'Somebody I Used To Know."
As for Romney, he really has some catching up to do in the pop song dub department.
Check out some of Baraksdubs' previous efforts below.