Watch the Entire History of Video Games in Less Than Three Minutes
Considering that video games have only been around for the past forty years, their progress since then has been pretty remarkable. This awesome three-minute video, which is entitled "A Brief History of Video Games," shows us just how far they've come.
Beginning with 1972's 'Pong,' the video, which was produced for Polygon.com by digital creative agency Reverse Enginears, traces the evolution of the medium all the way to current titles like 'Gears of War,' 'Halo' and 'Metal Gear Solid.' Dozens of other gaming classics like 'Super Mario Bros.', 'Mortal Kombat,' 'Zelda' and 'Final Fantasy VII' get a nod too.
Even cooler, the techno soundtrack uses sound effects taken directly from the games. Random video game dialogue -- like a line by Andrew Ryan, the founder of 'Rapture' from the Bioshock series -- provides some hilarious non-sequiturs as well.
Any classic games missing from this tribute?
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