11 Things You Could Do in the Amount of Time It Takes to Beat ‘Grand Theft Auto V’
As you probably know, Grand Theft Auto V was released today, and is waiting for you to offer up *at least* 100 hours of your life to it.
Of course, as we all, know, you can spend much, much more time in a GTA game just blowing things up and running from the cops for fun. Everyone agrees it is an amazing game, but if it's going to be a while before you get it, or you don't plan on every playing it, don't feel bad. Here are 11 things you could do in the amount of time you would have spent playing GTA 5, assuming you spend at least 100 hours on the game.
- 1
Beat Super Mario Bros 3...19 times.
NintendoNintendo Sure, you get to grope at a stripper's parts in GTA 5, but do you get a Tanooki suit???!!!
- 2
Take 23 months of weekly piano lessons.
Wikimedia CommonsWikimedia Commons Look at you, you're a little Mozart! Calculations do not include time spent practicing or nervously wiping your palms before your first recital.
- 3
Train for a marathon for about three months.
ThinkstockThinkstock No guarantees you will win. Or finish training.
- 4
Watch all of 'Breaking Bad' twice.
AMCAMC Go from being that annoying person who's never seen 'Breaking Bad' to being that annoying person who knows everything about 'Breaking Bad,' all in the amount of time it takes to play a video game.
- 5
Knit a sweater.
ThinkstockThinkstock Figuring it took all seven seasons of 'Buffy the Vampire Slayer' to knit a sweater with some pretty complicated lacy stuff, you could totally knit a pullover sweater in the amount of time it takes to play GTA 5.
- 6
Get your Scuba certification.
ThinkstockThinkstock You could be a certified scuba diver in waaaaay less time than GTA 5 takes.
- 7
Work two and half weeks at a full-time job.
ThinkstockThinkstock This one isn't that fun -- we just wanted to provide a little perspective.
- 8
Take a free class from MIT.
ThinkstockThinkstock Yup, MIT's OpenCourseWare provides you with the opportunity to take their classes for free.
- 9
Hike the Smoky Mountain portion of the Appalachian Trail
jaxx2kde, Flickrjaxx2kde, Flickr If you use the Newfound Gap or Clingmans Dome as midpoints, you can finish your hike in just three or four days. The entire thing can be completed in about seven days.
- 10
Drive a big chunk of Route 66.
ThinkstockThinkstock You could easily take a road trip across the New Mexico, Arizona and California portions of Historic Route 66 in the time it would take to beat GTA 5. In fact you could even stop to spend some time at the Grand Canyon and maybe make a Joshua Tree detour.
- 11
Become a lifeguard.
ThinkstockThinkstock You don't think these guys sat around playing video games, do you? You could get your lifeguard certification and STILL have time to rescue a couple of millionaires who've been kidnapped by pirates and chained underwater to a sunken oil platform.
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