Actual Hillary Clinton Responds to ‘Texts From Hillary’ Tumblr
The Tumblr 'Texts From Hillary' took the Web by storm last week. Inspired by a photo of Hillary Clinton texting from a plane while wearing a pair of killer sunglasses, the site imagines conversations the Secretary of State might be having with other luminaries. And as the shades suggest, she's way too much of a big shot to deal with the lesser folk.
For example, in her text exchange with Barack Obama , the Commander-in-Chief asks "Hey Hil, watchu doing?" She responds, "Running the world."
It turns out that Clinton is a big fan of the meme. (And why wouldn't she be a fan of something that just makes her look really cool?) In fact, she even made made her own submission to the Tumblr.
"Her staff reached out to us with the submission yesterday,” said Stacy Lambe , one of the site's creators. “And we just met with her this afternoon. She was very delightful and thought kindly of us. I can tell you, her staff just thought the whole thing was great.”
Check out Clinton's -- or more likely some tech savvy staffer's -- effort below. We've also included some more of our favorite submissions to the 'Texts from Hillary' Tumblr.
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