Herman Cain is no stranger to strange political ads.The one-time front runner for the Republican nomination released a staggeringly bizarre spot last October which included a close up of his campaign manager Mark Block smoking a cigarette like some kind of '40s tough guy.

But the man who also copped to to quoting the Pokemon theme song in a campaign speech may have outdone even himself with this spot for an anti-stimulus project he is spearheading.

Warning, you are about to see a very fake-looking bunny get brutally executed.

In the video, which is a blatant rip-off of the classic "This is Your Brain on Drugs" PSA, a little girl is holding a real bunny and declares ”this is small business." Then she places the rabbit on a catapult. “This is small business on the current tax code," she adds. Next we see a very fake-looking bunny flying through the sky only to be executed, skeet-shooting style, by a man with a shotgun.

"Any questions?," the girls asks, twice.

Actually we do have a couple of question. Why, Herman? Why?

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