Terrify Everyone You Know With the Haunted Door App
This may be the best way to scare people. Like, really scare them.
WD-40 is getting into the spirit of Halloween -- yes, WD-40 -- with the haunted door app. Yup, the company that's made a career out of getting rid of creaky door noises is now helping you create them with an app that enables your door to make several creepy sounds when you open it.
WD-40 Haunted Door App from BIMM on Vimeo.
WD-40 says eight in 10 homes have creaky doors and at this time of year that's a good way to terrorize anyone, especially those poor trick-or-treaters who simply want some Fun Size candy. To that end, the app lets users choose from three different sounds: "Paradoormal Activity," "The Exdoorcist" and "Door of the Dead." Maybe you can place this pumpkin on your stoop and invite these candy hunters inside for a cake that will truly turn their stomachs.
The app is available on iTunes and on Google Play.
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