8 Movies We Hope Grumpy Cat Makes
When news hit that Grumpy Cat would soon have her own feature film, our (pun-happy) imaginations immediately took off. Would it be a family film like 'Garfield,' or something more along the lines of '28 Grams' (pleasepleaseplease)? We realize we don't have much control over this, but perhaps the producers would be willing to consider these ideas below when they start work on the franchise.
We think they're pretty solid, and at the very least would add them to our Netflix queue, only to realize several months after the fact that they were no longer available to stream. Sigh. We can already feel the disappointment. Tardar Sauce would love it.
'Forrest Grump'
'40-Year-Old Grump'
'Grump Fiction'
'21 Grump Street'
'Grump Up the Volume'
'Grump Who Stole Christmas'
'What's Eating Gilbert Grump?'
'White Cat Can't Grump'