Crushed Little Boy Bawls During Pet Fish’s Toilet Funeral
It's a sendoff that will break your heart.
This boy, named Pierce, is so devastated that his fish, Cupid, has passed away that he has trouble keeping his emotions in check before he and his mother flush the pet down the toilet and send him to whatever aquatic afterlife awaits him.
Pierce is going through all the stages of grief right before our very eyes -- witness the denial when he says "I see him moving" -- and you can see how much the death of a pet is hurting him.
On one hand, you can certainly sympathize with Pierce and his agony, but on the other you kind of have to laugh. As his mother writes on Facebook, #SadButFunny. Losing a pet is never easy, no matter what your age is, but Pierce is experiencing it with a wide-eyed innocence that makes this clip so relateable.
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