The Best Ways to Celebrate Pi Day
Hey guys -- it's March 14! 3.14! Pi Day (approximately)! If you still haven't figured out how you were going to celebrate, don't worry -- we're here to help you. Here are just a few things you can do to celebrate Pi Day!
piday gifImgur Because you've got to get down on Pi Day.
You could make a pi-shaped pie
Serious EatsSerious Eats The geniuses at Serious Eats filled this one with chocolate and peanut butter. Then they used the rest of the crust to make pie fries. Here's the recipe.
Pi S'mores are also an option
InstructablesInstructables They're full of Nutella instead of Hershey's. Here's how to make them.
Or you could focus on drinking
pi iceThink Geek Thanks, Think Geek, for supporting our terrible problem!
Feeling fancy? Make a sushi pi!
InstructablesInstructables Here's a hint -- this recipe uses that ice cube tray, so you can combine your love of sushi with your love of sake cocktails AND your love of math.
Go all out and make a Venn Pi-agram
ImgurImgur Is this technically one pie? Two pies? Three? Here's how to make whatever quantity of pie you think this is.
On a diet? Get a manicure!
pi manicureImgur Mathnicure? Whatever you want to call it, you'll look smart, which is all that matters.
Just remember what it's all about:
pi gifWikimedia
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