Weird News

New Jersey Man Makes Valiant Attempt to Return to the ‘Today’ Show [VIDEO]
New Jersey Man Makes Valiant Attempt to Return to the ‘Today’ Show [VIDEO]
New Jersey Man Makes Valiant Attempt to Return to the ‘Today’ Show [VIDEO]
If you've ever been awake before 10 am, then you’ve probably seen a network morning news program at least once. So, you know that there are usually throngs of fans outside waving signs, and the likelihood of one fan’s sign being singled out is small. But that hasn't stopped New Jersey's Jason Allentoff, who is trying to beat those odds so he could personally thank Matt Lauer, Katie Couric and the
The 10 Wackiest Drive-Thrus in America
The 10 Wackiest Drive-Thrus in America
The 10 Wackiest Drive-Thrus in America
Ever since the Grand National Bank of St. Louis, Missouri opened the first drive-up window teller (deposits only!) way back in 1930, drive-thrus have become a symbol of modern American convenience. Today, of course, fast food restaurants lay claim to the majority of drive-thrus and most of us use them on a regular basis. (Who actually goes into a McDonald's these days?) But you might be surprised
Jack in the Box Introduces Secret Bacon Milkshake [PHOTO]
Jack in the Box Introduces Secret Bacon Milkshake [PHOTO]
Jack in the Box Introduces Secret Bacon Milkshake [PHOTO]
In moments of unbridled honesty, even many vegetarians will tell you how much they miss bacon. Now fast food chain Jack in the Box is riding to the rescue, introducing a new artificially-flavored bacon milkshake. Yes, we said "bacon milkshake."
How Did This Whole Handshake Greeting Get Started?
How Did This Whole Handshake Greeting Get Started?
How Did This Whole Handshake Greeting Get Started?
Shaking hands upon greeting someone new has become such a routine and automatic "Hello" response -- that is, unless you're one of those guys who bump fists or put people in head locks. As with most things, the majority of people just accept this act as customary without question, but for the rest of us, we want to know why we do it.

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