
This News Blooper Is Great for a 10 Second Laugh
This News Blooper Is Great for a 10 Second Laugh
This News Blooper Is Great for a 10 Second Laugh
This video has all the things we love. It's blissfully short. It will make you laugh. It strongly highlights the importance of correct punctuation. Because when you don't insert commas and periods where they're needed, sometimes you accidentally tell people your coworker was murdered...
‘Guess Who’ Prank Turns Hilariously Awkward
‘Guess Who’ Prank Turns Hilariously Awkward
‘Guess Who’ Prank Turns Hilariously Awkward
If you know anything about us here at TheFW, it's that we love a good, harmless prank. Cell phone crashing and embarrassing people with talking elevators are just a couple we particularly fancy. Basically, we'd like to think of ourselves as joking experts. So when we recently came across a prank we've never before encountered, we took a humble blow to our humor egos and laughed our pants off. Read
'Movember' Advice
'Movember' Advice
'Movember' Advice
For those not in the know, November is now known as Movember -- the month when men try to grow mustaches to raise money for prostate and testicular cancer initiatives. As evidenced by our Facebook news feed, this is not always a pretty sight
Pajama Dance?
Pajama Dance?
Pajama Dance?
We don't know what we'd do if we won a presidential reelection campaign. First would probably be to wonder how we even got elected the first time. THEN we would probably do something very much like this pajama dance, as depicted in this video from Ibish Comedy.
Best Photobomb Ever?
Best Photobomb Ever?
Best Photobomb Ever?
The art of the photobomb takes major practice and skill. It could take humans years of failed attempts to properly and completely ruin someone else's picture, because it involves mastering accurate timing and terribly funny faces.
Watch out!
Watch out!
Watch out!
By this point, it should be fairly obvious that getting distracted by a cell phone can be extremely hazardous to your health. And yet, a teen girl in California actually fell into a pit of rattlesnakes while searching for a signal in the desert. Need further proof? We didn't think so.
She's Back!
She's Back!
She's Back!
Fortunately, Laina, aka the Overly Attached Girlfriend, has already created a charity campaign, otherwise we would might be inclined to say she is just milking her internet fame. Instead, this Samsung commercial is actually entertaining. It's creepy, too...
Romance Novels
Romance Novels
Romance Novels
Today's reading experience is nothing like the literal "page-turners" of yesteryear. But even with the e-Book, the Kindle and the iPad at our fingertips, we can still spot a wacky romance novel cover from a mile off.
Facebook Pet Don'ts
Facebook Pet Don'ts
Facebook Pet Don'ts
Now that the election is over, we can go back to being annoyed by the usual stuff on Facebook -- Farmville updates, the unceasing stream of invites to comedian friends' weekly shows, pictures that promise "likes" will somehow generate something for somebody somewhere ... and everybody's pets.
Why MTV won't  Play Videos
Why MTV won't Play Videos
Why MTV won't Play Videos
In case you are still mourning that MTV no longer plays music videos, opting instead for the likes of 'Jersey Shore' and 'Teen Mom,' here is an MTV "executive" to explain exactly why that is. (Though seriously -- you've had more than enough time to get over it.)

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