
Just a Baby Tiger Jumping on a Couch
Just a Baby Tiger Jumping on a Couch
Just a Baby Tiger Jumping on a Couch
If you see something cuter than this today, good for you, you obviously are some kind of wizard. If you're sad and dried up like the rest of us, here's a ridiculously adorable baby tiger jumping on a couch. With a chihuahua. And nobody gets eaten...
Force is With Bantha Pug
Force is With Bantha Pug
Force is With Bantha Pug
After watching this video, it's safe to say we will be genuinely interested in what Disney does with the next installment of 'Star Wars' *if* all the creatures are pugs in costumes. It works for Bantha, why not other creatures?
star wars gets angry
star wars gets angry
star wars gets angry
In one of the more bizarre yet cooler crossovers, the 'Angry Birds: Star Wars' game is now available for purchase. The trailer begins with an homage to 'Star Wars: A New Hope' as two Angry Birds, one dressed as Luke Skywalker and the other as Jedi Knight Obi-Wan Kenobi, enter the iconic Mos Eisley bar on Tattooine.
Happy Owls
Happy Owls
Happy Owls
There have been a lot of crazy things happening in America recently. Obama just got elected for a second term and a guy magically came back to life after dying mid-voting, for example. That's some pretty exciting stuff if you ask us.
Cutest meme ever?
Cutest meme ever?
Cutest meme ever?
All parents think their baby is ridiculously good-looking. However, when it comes to the handsome newborn department, the Powling family of Lowell, Massachusetts has the ultimate bragging rights for now.
Baby Mop
Baby Mop
Baby Mop
New mothers, if you're exasperated at having no one to help you clean your messy house, why not let your baby do the dirty work? Your crawling infant can help you out when you dress them in a "baby mop," which is basically a romper with mop heads attached to the arms and legs. As your child crawls around on the floor, the mops on the romper pick up dust, dirt and hairballs. Plus, it will
‘Thing X’ Picks the Brain of Hilarious Three-Year-Old
‘Thing X’ Picks the Brain of Hilarious Three-Year-Old
‘Thing X’ Picks the Brain of Hilarious Three-Year-Old
We've recently realized kids offer us some very valuable insight into life's strangest and toughest questions. For example: What do dinosaurs feel like? Answer: They don't like to be CRUUUUSHED! The guys over at Adult Swim's 'Thing X,' the new website from some former 'Onion' staffers, decided to pick the brain of a typical human child to see what really goes on in these smart cookie minds. Read M
Patriotic Pups
Patriotic Pups
Patriotic Pups
We're huge fans of campaigning season, because America always comes together to create political memes, poke fun at candidates and make boring debates a little more interesting. It's country bonding at its finest! We're a little bummed though, because that season has finally come to an end.
10 Funny and Uplifting Hurricane Sandy Songs
10 Funny and Uplifting Hurricane Sandy Songs
10 Funny and Uplifting Hurricane Sandy Songs
Although New York and New Jersey were dealt a striking blow thanks to "Frankenstorm" Sandy, one of the best ways to entertain yourself while the power's out and to find solace in this horrible natural disaster is through the use of music. Occasionally, many of these videos will be funny too, because with events like these, you need to bring a smile to peoples' faces. So sit back and enjo
Kung-Fu Baby
Kung-Fu Baby
Kung-Fu Baby
We didn't realize it until today, but probably one of the best things about babies is that they can't beat the ever-loving bejeezus out of you. All it took to make us realize this truth is this video of a baby in a Bruce Lee jumpsuit going to town with fists of fury on a dragon.
Jimmy Fallon and Christina Aguilera Make Office Supply Music
Jimmy Fallon and Christina Aguilera Make Office Supply Music
Jimmy Fallon and Christina Aguilera Make Office Supply Music
We already know Jimmy Fallon is one of the most talented names in entertainment today. Think about it-- he does a spot-on John Travolta impression in his 'Frankenstorm Sandy' bit, and he creates some awesomely smooth music with Brian Williams. But there's one thing he does best as part of his late-night show-- jam out with The Roots.

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