Baby Monkey and Goat Become Best Buddies
In the spirit of the Pilgrims and Indians coming together may we present these two animals who've teamed up.
Get a look at your "awww" moment of the day: a baby monkey merrily riding on the back of a more-than-willing monkey.
The monkey latched onto a horde of goats in China and has become particularly attached to one of the animals.
The goats' farmer said the monkey has taken a shine to the goats, according to the YouTube video description.
The little monkey has been here for about four or five days. It seems the goats made it feel safe. Every time I came to shut goats in the fold at night, I found the monkey was either on the back of this goat or that goat. I tried to feed bananas to the monkey, but it did not eat and held on to the goat tightly."
The farmer said the monkey thinks of the goat as his mother, which means a new level of separation anxiety is about to kick in because he will be taken to a local zoo.
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