New Spiderman Andrew Garfield Dons Sweet Mullet And Mustache for ‘Ellen’
To those who are unfamiliar with American-British actor Andrew Garfield, he's the new kid who plays Spider-Man in the upcoming superhero flick 'The Amazing Spiderman'. Although the film's release is two months away, given the franchise is getting a fresh reboot, the stars are doing the promotional rounds early. Which means stopping by talk shows like 'Ellen' -- and she knows what's going to happen to Garfield once the film hits theaters on July 3rd.
Watch as Ellen shows her concern for Garfield's privacy and gifts him with an over-the-top disguise to prevent him from being mobbed by Comic-Con geeks.
The extreme makeover also prompts Garfield to show off some killer dance moves. What do you think of Andrew's new look? Sure beats nerdy Peter Parker.
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