There are plenty of cute, cuddly creatures in nature that look like they'd be great sources of the warm and fuzzies. Unfortunately, a lot of those adorable animals can also kill you in the most hardcore of ways. Here are 10 Ridiculously Cute Animals That Could Kill You.

Down below, we've listed just a few of the cutest animals that also happen to be fully capable of shoving you off the mortal coil. Don't be fooled by their cutesie exteriors, because the following critters can be just as vicious and deadly as a pack of Black Friday shoppers who've just found the very last laptop for under $200. Read through and gain some knowledge so that you'll know that you have to protect yourself from all things cute!

Blue-Ringed Octopus

Blue Ringed Octopus

These little guys only grow to be about five-to-eight inches big, but they pack enough venom to bring down humans. Did we say bring down? We meant outright kill. What's worst is that there's currently no antivenom available, so you're a goner if you're unlucky enough to come across one of these bad boys. Nausea, respiratory arrest, heart failure, paralysis and blindness? No, thanks!



You're all thinking it, so we'll just go ahead and confirm that yes, dingoes did steal a baby at one point. Not only that, but these dog-like creatures can get aggressive and take to snatching and biting humans if given food in the wild. Best to stay away from these frisky, but cute critters.

Bottle-Nosed Dolphin


Dolphins are agile, majestic and highly intelligent. They can also be giant jerks and kill other animals for sport. Not only have there been reports of these guys harassing humans, but they've been known to drown sharks by using their snouts to hit them in the gills or stomach. Ouchies!

Kittens (Yep)


It's sad, but true: cats, the gods of the Internet, can be deadly to humans. More specifically, they can be a danger to pregnant women. It turns out that they can cause an infection called Toxoplasmosis that's passed into their stool and can cause problems for pregnant women, including abortion. It's sad, but true. Why, cats? Why?!



By the same token, mice also leave something deadly in their droppings that can cause death to humans. Mice can carry the hantavirus, which is then left in their little presents. If any of those particles from the poop are breathed in by humans, they can cause an infection which then leads to Hantavirus Pulmonary Syndrome. If not treated properly, HPS can lead to death. If you've got mice, drive them out!

Duck-Billed Platypus


The platypus is what we usually think of when we imagine nature hitting the "randomize" button on a character creation screen in a video game. It's funny-looking and sort of cute, but that adorable exterior hides the fact that this thing can totally ruin your day. The males have ankle spurs that have a venom potent enough to kill small animals. While they might not be able to take out humans in this way, the poison will cause so much pain that you'll probably wish you were dead.

Poison Dart Frog

Poison Dart Frog

There's not much we have to say about these. They're covered in poison but are courteous enough to be brightly-colored, so that you know to stay away from them. And stay away from them, you should.

Puffer FIsh

Puffer Fish

Look at that adorable, derpy face. The puffer fish is covered with tiny little spines that inject tetrodotoxin into their victims. While the neurotoxin isn't enough to bring down something as large as a shark, it's totally enough to kill humans. So don't be fooled by its goofy visage!

Slow Loris

Slow Loris

Ah, the slow loris. It may be last, but it's definitely not least. According to folklore, these doe-eyed primates secrete a venom from glands in its arms that can cause anaphylactic shock. Though their bites are pretty painful, there's no actual proof that they are venomous. But believe us when we say that we'd rather not find out. In fact, we'll just admire these guys from the safety of the Internet.

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