
Here Come the ‘Shark Week’ Memes
Here Come the ‘Shark Week’ Memes
Here Come the ‘Shark Week’ Memes
Finally, Shark Week is here! For some reason America has a fascination with the week-long Discovery channel brainchild. It's a time to celebrate sharks, their lifestyle and a chance to act intelligent because we watched the Discovery Channel the night before.
Adorable ‘Dark Knight’ Kitten Rises
Adorable ‘Dark Knight’ Kitten Rises
Adorable ‘Dark Knight’ Kitten Rises
This cat just might be the coolest one we've ever seen before. It's like Harvey Dent for the feline population. For the non-'Dark Knight' nerds, Harvey Dent is Batman's nemesis 'Two-Face.' You know, the guy that wasn't Heath Ledger in 'The Dark Knight.' Take a look. You'll understand what we're talking about.
Did Jerry Garcia Appear in a Horseradish Jar?
Did Jerry Garcia Appear in a Horseradish Jar?
Did Jerry Garcia Appear in a Horseradish Jar?
Recently, 50-year-old Florida native Tom Haupert found what he describes as something "amazing" in his horseradish jar -- a picture of Grateful Dead guitarist Jerry Garcia. It's not an actual photo of Garcia on the jar; we're talking about the horseradish being in the shape of him. Yeah, we're starting to wonder if Tom's horseradish was perhaps spiked with something...
The Best of the ‘Paul Ryan Gosling’ Meme
The Best of the ‘Paul Ryan Gosling’ Meme
The Best of the ‘Paul Ryan Gosling’ Meme
When it was announced that Republican Paul Ryan would be running as Mitt Romney's sidekick for vice president, the world noticed a few things. One, the guy's name is two first names and that is just plain ridiculous. Two, this dude is in shape, and, three, his surname shares a first name with American superstar and internet sensation Ryan Gosling. Oh Ryan, how do we love thee? Let us meme the ways
The 8 Most Amazing Olympic 2012 Moments
The 8 Most Amazing Olympic 2012 Moments
The 8 Most Amazing Olympic 2012 Moments
In the 16 days of Olympic competition, the world celebrated tremendous victories and experienced devastating defeats. But more importantly, we saw the sorts of qualities that embody the true spirit of the Olympic games; perseverance, bravery, and dedication...
Is Boo the World’s Cutest Dog or a Well-Played Facebook Scam?
Is Boo the World’s Cutest Dog or a Well-Played Facebook Scam?
Is Boo the World’s Cutest Dog or a Well-Played Facebook Scam?
Like many of you, we love Boo, the dog who is famous the world over for looking like a stuffed animal. Boo the dog is pretty much one of the cutest things you’ll ever see, but his perceived popularity could also be by design. Last week, news that Boo’s owner works at Facebook cast some doubt on how truly popular the pup is.
Take TheFW’s End of Summer Survey!
Take TheFW’s End of Summer Survey!
Take TheFW’s End of Summer Survey!
Summer is almost over, but what a time its been! From the Olympics to endless 'Call Me Maybe' parodies and covers to thrilling blockbusters like 'The Dark Knight Rises,' summer 2012 has given the internet plenty of fodder to create hilarious memes, viral videos and more.

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