The Best Dove Beauty Sketches Parodies
Surely you've seen this ad from Dove, in which a forensic sketch artist draws women as they describe themselves, then as other women describe them, then everybody starts crying? If not, it's here for the watching, just to give you some context before we settle in to what this is really all about -- making fun of that ad.
Obviously you can't be this earnest while shilling soap and expect to get away with it. Not in this day and age. So here are our picks for the best parodies of the Dove Beauty Sketches ad. Some of them are NSFW due to language and/or depictions of human anatomy.
Unabomber Version
The Male Version
#Balls (NSFW)
Men Version
Asian Men Version (NSFW)
Bad Artist
You're As Beautiful As We Think You Are
Latina Women Version
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