Halloween is still a couple weeks away, but if you're craving a fright now, a new Facebook app called 'Take This Lollipop' (NSFW link) is here to help.
Upon finding a baby king snake with two fully functional heads in his backyard, Tennessee man Paul Carver took it to state wildlife officials, who were just as baffled as he was.
"I've been working 13 years and been in the woods all my life -- nearly 40 years -- and I've never seen anything like this," explained wildlife officer Dale Grandstaff.
The latest craziness from our friends in Russia comes courtesy of this fellow, who climbed to the top of one of Stalin's skyscrapers in Moscow without the use of any safety gear.
He did bring along a helmet cam, so you can experience his stunt from the safety of your desk chair.
While we're not quite sure if these Ukrainian teens are as recklessly insane as the train surfers from India we met a few weeks ago, the trio definitely made their bids for Darwin Award immortality by climbing to the top of a large suspension bridge in Kiev without the aid of any climbing equipment.
An obsessed Jessica Simpson fan has taken his love for the star to novel heights. Marce William Burchell who, after allegedly stalking Simpson for years, decided to pen and self-publish a book about the object of his affection.
The best part? The book's insane title: 'The True Story of Jessica Ann Simpson's 22 month long attempt to seduce a married man- her very Active Super Secret Sex life: True
A vicious polar bear is about the last creature you'd expect to see lurking in an urban alleyway, but, as you can see from this video, that terrifying scenario recently went down in a Russian city.
Texas Armoring CEO Trent Kimbal really believes in his products. So much so that he was willing to stand behind an 2.16 inch bulletproof windshield plate manufactured by his company while one of his employees shot three AK-47 rounds at him.
Yup, this is one that most definitely shouldn't be tried at home. Check it out below.
Evan Patrone has double-jointed shoulders and elbows, which allows him to sit on a bench and play the piano backwards. You'll probably cringe a little bit when you see his talent in action (nature did not intend for arms to bend that way, right?). And you may continuing cringing, depending on how you feel about Coldplay's 'Clocks,' the song he plays in the clip below:
Russian pole vaulter Dmitry Starodubtsev got quite the shock at the IAAF World Championships in South Korea over the weekend when the tool of his trade snapped right in the middle his attempt to clear a 5.75-meter bar.
Housing Authority worker Jose Rivera was filling in a rat hole in Brooklyn's Marcy Projects (childhood home of Jay-Z) last week when three of the vermin rushed out at him. So he swung his trusty pitchfork at the rats and struck the largest one. And boy, was it large.
As Hurricane Irene nears the East coast, there's been talk of evacuating below-sea-level areas from Florida all the way to New England. If you've got a fear of flooding, it'll only be bolstered by this horrifying photo out of water-logged Puerto Rico. In the shot taken from a car, a shark can be clearly seen swimming down the highway, like something out of a terrible Samuel L. Jackson movie.
Filmed in Mawson Lakes, South Australia on CCTV, this harrowing footage shows a teenage boy brazenly crossing a track in front of an oncoming train and avoiding death by the narrowest of margins.
Florida police arrested a 23-year-old woman who rode in the back of a pickup truck along with a stroller containing an eight-month-old baby boy, reports MSNBC.
It's bad enough having to swat away a single bug, but an entire swarm? If you're anywhere near the Missouri River that's just something you might have to contend with – these "bugnadoes" form in areas with high volumes of water, particularly after flooding has occurred.