Jessica Simpson Stalker Selling Self-Published Book About the Starlet
An obsessed Jessica Simpson fan has taken his love for the star to novel heights. Marce William Burchell who, after allegedly stalking Simpson for years, decided to pen and self-publish a book about the object of his affection.
The best part? The book's insane title: 'The True Story of Jessica Ann Simpson's 22 month long attempt to seduce a married man- her very Active Super Secret Sex life: True Story Jessica Simpson Seduction of A Married Man (Volume 1).'
According to the Amazon description, "this is a True story of Romance, True Innocent Love, Deceit, Unfaithfulness, Graphic Details of Jesssica Simpson's Many Secret Sexual Affairs, Her Love of Revenge Sex and Manipulations of Men - Her Feelings on Tiger Woods and little Know Details of her Family." Also in the Amazon blurb, Burchell insists the profits from the book (retailing for $29.99) will go to a good cause:
"All proceeds will be donated to BPG Inc. to finance the first affordable electric car that will sell for less than a similar gasoline powered car at $10,000 ( after tax rebate). This electric car is designed to make all gasoline powered cars obsolete, can carry seven passengers and cargo, has a top speed of 180 mph, can go 300 miles per charge and accelerates from 0-60 mph in less than 4 seconds."
According to sources, Simpson has not contacted police about the matter but her security team has been well aware of Mr. Burchell for years.
See the cover of the book below:
[via TMZ]
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