Remember waking up on Saturday morning and eating about five bowls of Trix while you watched cartoons and being soooo mad at your mom for vacuuming while you were trying to watch your show? What was she trying to do, make us play outside?
With new technology and video games, kids today are turning to small screens for their entertainment. But not so long ago you'll recall a time when board games were all the rage.
Children of the '80s and '90s pretty much learned everything they need to know from TV. (It was basically like a third parent.) Besides "very special" sitcom episodes, one of the major ways we learned about how to say no to drugs and avoid "stranger danger" was from public service announcements.
Voice actors: the unsung heroes of our childhood. People all over the world know the characters they help to create, but very few people know the faces behind the voices. Today, we want to give some of the great cartoon voices their due. Plus, we love watching them work, talk, or just goof around.
Sometimes a star from the real world enters the sitcom world, because networks are hungry for audiences, and nothing draws folks in quite like the promise of The Doobie Brothers making an appearance.
If you're like every single person alive right now, you're probably sitting there thinking, "I love Lisa Frank, but how can I incorporate more of her colorful art into my relatively grown-up lifestyle?" Easy-peesy lemon-squeezy, that's how...