Wanna Steal Your Final Exam? Don’t Do What These Boneheads Did
We can't even give these guys an "A" for effort.
Two students at the University of Kentucky are in a heaping tablespoonful of trouble after they were busted trying to steal their final exam in statistics by sneaking into their professor's office through the ceiling ducts.
Good idea? If you're Bruce Willis in Die Hard, yes. If you're a 20-something undergrad looking for a shortcut to a respectable GPA, no.
The pair got into the building in the wee hours of Wednesday morning, but their plan was foiled when the professor, who was there working late, returned to his office after stepping out for a short break, noticed he couldn't get back into his office because the door had been blocked.
The prof said he was calling the police and the two students hightailed it out of there like a frat party where campus police shows up to respond to complaints about excessive noise. Guilt must've been building because one of the students, Henry Lynch II, returned after police arrived and confessed to the caper. His accomplice, meanwhile, was identified and how's this for bad luck? That student isn't even in the class.
Lynch also admitted he failed to steal the exam earlier in the day and that he had managed to swipe a different exam from earlier in the semester.
Both students have been charged with third degree burglary. The school plans to continue an investigation before handing down a punishment. Call us crazy, but we don't think we need to break into any office to guess they may very well be thrown out of school.
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